Daftar Harga Hosting dan Domain paling diminati
¤ Hosting 25MB
¤ Rp. 40.000/year ¤ Unlimited Email
¤ Unlimited Dbase
¤ Hosting 50MB
¤ Rp. 60.000/year ¤ Unlimited Email
¤ Unlimited Dbase
¤ Hosting 100MB
¤ Rp. 100.000/year ¤ Unlimited Email ¤
Unlimited Dbase |
Domain com/net/org
¤ Rp. 145rb/year
Domain web.id
¤ Rp. 60.000/year
Data Center |
PlasaHosting utilizes a state of the art datacenter, located
in Softlayer, Inc Seattle, Washington, USA. The datacenter is located in one of the most premier telecom
facilities ever created. Offering hardened infrastructure and access to the
largest and best backbones. The facility offers complete redundancy in power,
HVAC, fire suppression, network connectivity and security. We use famous and fastest backbones is Level3, Savvis and MCI
The facility sits atop multiple power grids. This is the grid that is restored
first in the event of a power outage and is the most reliable grid in the state.
The building is connected via multiple entry vaults on different substations
and the datacenter is connected to multiple buses within the building.
There are also multiple redundant Liebert air systems, pumps, MGE
Comet UPS battery backup power and onsite permanent generator power.
Fire suppression includes a pre-action dry pipe system that is monitored
by datacenter staff and 24 hour building security officers. It is
also hooked into the central alarm facility.
Security is also a concern, so all facilities are multi stage key
card access and use hand geometry readers to prevent card key theft.
The facility also has a state of the art CCTV recorded 24x7. All
visitors to the datacenters must check in and out of the facility.
The goal is to provide maximum redundancy in every facet of the
datacenter environment to facilitate 100% uptime for the entire
hosting infrastructure.
The data center is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days
a year with onsite technicians. We also monitor all our servers
in the data center for uptime and are immediately notified in the
event of an outage.
The network architecture is a complete Cisco product and is a Cisco
Certified Network. We utilize fully redundant Cisco 7500 (redundant
routers and redundant cards within the router) at the core and state
of the art 3550 L3 switch / routers as border routers. To further
maximize redundancy, we utilize distributed 2924 XL EN switches
to ensure that single chasis failure will have minimum downtime
effects on our servers – unlike many of our competition who aggregate
hundreds of servers in a single chasis based switch like the 6500
or 5500 which if it fails its cpu or power – it takes down many
customers. This approach gives us maximum power failure protection
and switch failure protection to distribute the load and risk.
We also utilize VLANS to prevent customer IP space hijacking and
conflicts. By keeping our network as flat as possible – we minimize
route convergence and latency in the backbone and speed the packets
to the best provider through BGP4 on the core.
The network is fully meshed and redundant with 4 backbone providers.
The current network consists of GIG lines to each provider. By having
less providers with a larger burst capacity we are able to handle
DoS attacks better than many of our competitors that have chosen
many smaller pipes. This is because a DoS attack will many times
concentrate itself on one inbound or outbound connection and can
swamp it if it is only a 100 meg or and oc3. We do not provision
less than GIG circuits on the backbone any more. It also allows
us plenty of room to fail back and forth from provider to provider
without regards to where the traffic is going to prefer since any
one of our links has far sufficient size to handle all of our traffic.
Staff actively monitors routers for key factors including temperature,
cpu and memory utilization and monitor connections for transit latency
and uptime. Staff is notified immediately in the event of a process
going out of tolerance or an outage through automated systems, which
results in immediate corrective action.